Gem City News     January 5, 2011

Mark J. Tidwell

Christmas Parade: Jellico held its annual Christmas Parade on Sunday, December 12, organized by Jellico’s Director of Tourism, Mr. Jake Bennett.  The weather was pretty rough on the twelfth, so both attendance and participation were somewhat below what was expected.  One cannot control the weather however, so it is just something you have to roll with the punches in dealing with.

     The snow, heavy at times, did add a real aura of Christmas to the parade.  From manger scene to Santa Claus, the blowing white flakes seemed to make folks smile, between chattering teeth.  It was actually a lot of fun.  Grand Marshals of this year’s parade were Mayor Les Stiers and Doris, and Vice-Mayor Venita “Cissco” Johnson.

Snow:  On Monday, December 13th, the area awakened to slippery driving conditions.  School was out for several days.  Old Man Winter was getting a grip on things even before the season officially commenced on the 21st of December.

     On the 19th, hoarfrost coated everything above the approximate 1800 foot level on the mountains surrounding the Gem City.  It was beautiful!  Check out the photo I’ve included of the top of Pine Mountain all adorned in winter finery.

     Christmas Day was as fine a winter scene as ever imagined.  The area was blanketed with between 5 and 8 inches of snow, depending on location.  I drove my old ’51 model Jeep to the top of Pine Mountain, putting the first tracks in the snow up there.  It was a cool ride in more ways than one!  But oh what a sight on Christmas Day!

     Some really cold temperatures followed the Christmas snow, with thermometers posting single digit readings far and wide.

Rockin’ Eve:  Jellico had its first ever New Year’s Rockin’ Eve Celebration beginning at 9:00p.m. on New Year’s Eve and continuing until 12:30a.m. New Year’s morning.  Over 500 people gathered in downtown Veterans Park to eat good food, warm by the big smoker, see the ball drop and watch the fireworks. 

     This was the initiative of Jellico’s new mayor Les Stiers and Doris.  Word is, it will become a regular part of the festivities taking place in the Gem City every calendar year.

A happy, healthy, and prosperous 2011 is wished to all!